Linda Cusmano has been Personal Training since 1994 and has a strong knowledge base in areas of human kinetics, physiology, kinesiology, and biomechanics. Linda has an extensive media list having written for several popular fitness and health magazines as well as appearing on various talk and news shows.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Rear Delt Spread April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 30
Rear Delt Spread
Row in but begin to spread as you come outward, open wide then return.
For size use heavier band for 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter band for 1-2 sets of 20-100
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Flag April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 29
This is probably the most advanced Ab exercise there is. Done by Bruce Lee, Sly Stallone and others its an impressive move but killer as well, a few of these reps and you can crunches. This is equal to lots of crunches! I like this one because it helps shape nice firm square ab muscles that show well even when you are not so lean but when down to stage ready leanness it makes for an intense washboard!
Try negatives first......then try reps.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Diamond Push Ups April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 28
Work your triceps without weight, using a wall or bench or treadmill, height according to your fitness ability with this exercise, start with a wall then work down to lower surfaces. Keep those elbows in tight, feet in closer makes it easier, feet out making it harder......so you have a beginner to advanced exercise which you can progress various ways.
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Shoulder Raise Combo April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 27
Shape your shoulders for stage ready delts also great for the ladies just looking for some summer shoulders to show off in your tank tops!
For size use heavier wt for 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter wt for 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, cycle through these at one rep each in a circuit or giant set non stop.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Jax April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 24 -26 & Review
If you have been following these you must be feeling the burn now!!
Starting on April 1, I have been posting one exercise per day. These are to help those who want to be figure or bikini competitors, or those who simply want to look similar. If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the previous week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!
We're starting with Day 20 and Day 26 is at the end! New exercise for the day is Legs!
Day 20 Scissor Slide
You can do this on tile or wood floors with paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties.
3-4 sets 20-100 using higher reps to cut and burn fat, great for thinning the thighs, working core and butt.
Day 21 Rotational Shoulder Press
Unlike the traditional overhead press you would go a bit lighter than the norm due to the rotation and direction switch, great for overall shoulder shaping and X frame building.
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 22 Reverse Tricep Kickback
Unlike the traditional kickbacks you would face palm upward, this gives a different feel and burn, helping to evenly build all 3 muscle heads to define them for a stage ready body!
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 23 Pike Slide
You can do this on a tile or wood surface using paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties!
This is an intermediate to advanced exercise which really hits that transverse ab but gets the whole ab wall firing! Tuck your head and try to kiss your knees!
3-4 sets 20-100
Enjoy this addition to your training and ab routine.
Day 25 Butt Blaster
Heels together, knee bent slightly outward, lift from the hips not knees.......Squeeeeeze!! Ham glute tie benefits greatly here and you can work for size here with weights. A must for all the ladies!!
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
Day 26 Bandjax
Work your thighs with bands. Tighten and tone intense!
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
Starting on April 1, I have been posting one exercise per day. These are to help those who want to be figure or bikini competitors, or those who simply want to look similar. If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the previous week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!
We're starting with Day 20 and Day 26 is at the end! New exercise for the day is Legs!
Day 20 Scissor Slide
You can do this on tile or wood floors with paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties.
3-4 sets 20-100 using higher reps to cut and burn fat, great for thinning the thighs, working core and butt.
Day 21 Rotational Shoulder Press
Unlike the traditional overhead press you would go a bit lighter than the norm due to the rotation and direction switch, great for overall shoulder shaping and X frame building.
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 22 Reverse Tricep Kickback
Unlike the traditional kickbacks you would face palm upward, this gives a different feel and burn, helping to evenly build all 3 muscle heads to define them for a stage ready body!
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 23 Pike Slide
You can do this on a tile or wood surface using paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties!
This is an intermediate to advanced exercise which really hits that transverse ab but gets the whole ab wall firing! Tuck your head and try to kiss your knees!
3-4 sets 20-100
Enjoy this addition to your training and ab routine.
Day 24 Arm Pushup Progression
Start with your 1 arm pushups on a wall or high surface and as you get strong you can go on lower surfaces, get feet out farther and then go to the ground on the knees progressing from there.
Great for the fitness competition routine round!
2-3 sets of 5-15 are a great start.
Start with your 1 arm pushups on a wall or high surface and as you get strong you can go on lower surfaces, get feet out farther and then go to the ground on the knees progressing from there.
Great for the fitness competition routine round!
2-3 sets of 5-15 are a great start.
Day 25 Butt Blaster
Heels together, knee bent slightly outward, lift from the hips not knees.......Squeeeeeze!! Ham glute tie benefits greatly here and you can work for size here with weights. A must for all the ladies!!
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
Day 26 Bandjax
Work your thighs with bands. Tighten and tone intense!
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pike Slide April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 23
You can do this on a tile or wood surface using paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties if you do not have gliders.
This is an intermediate to advanced exercise which really hits that transverse ab but gets the whole ab wall firing! Tuck your head and try to kiss your knees!
3-4 sets 20-100
Enjoy this addition to your training and ab routine.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Reverse Tricep Kickback April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 22
Unlike the traditional kickbacks you would face palm upward, this gives a different feel and burn, helping to evenly build all 3 muscle heads to define them for a stage ready body!
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Rotational Shoulder Press April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 21
There were some issues yesterday - so sorry! Here is Day 21!! 22 will come later!

Rotational Shoulder Press
Unlike the traditional overhead press you would go a bit lighter than the norm due to the rotation and direction switch, great for overall shoulder shaping and X frame building.
For size use heavier weight 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter weight 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Scissor Slide April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 20
Scissor Slide
You can do this on tile or wood floors with paper towels under your runners or using carpet cleaner booties if you don't have gliders.
3-4 sets 20-100 using higher reps to cut and burn fat, great for thinning the thighs, working core and butt.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Single Leg Ball Ham Curl April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 19 & Review
Starting on April 1, I have been posting one exercise per day. These are to help those who want to be figure or bikini competitors or those who simply want to look like one. If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the previous week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!We're starting with Day 13 and Day 19 is at the end! New exercise for the day is a Glutes!
Day 13 Heel Prints
Target and shape your gluted with this butt exercise using weights for muscle and working up the reps to 500 per leg with weights up to 20 lb per ankle.
Can you say 'bowling ball butt?"
1 or more sets
Day 14 Slide Climbers
You can use paper towels under shoes on tile or wood surface.
Take the regular old Mountain Climbers to the next level and really get your thighs and glutes firing with all guns when you do this, adjusting speed for fat burning.
Do these for timed reps.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 15 Band Curl to Overhead (Palm In)
Curl and raise overhead keeping palms facing you.
Day 16 Overhand Horizontal Chin.
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced. These chin ups hit the forearms more.
Work up 1-4 sets of 8-100.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 17 DB Reach Crunch
Work for high reps using heavy DBs to reach for toes, work for straight legs and toes down.
Day 18 Ball Backstroke
Open the chest, work the shoulders and core.
Work for full range, very light weight.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent.
Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Day 19 Single Leg Hamball Curl
Hamstring curls taken to the next level and done at home on a ball but to challenge yourself use only 1 leg.
3-4 sets 20-100 using higher reps to cut and burn fat, great for leaning and conditioning.
Day 13 Heel Prints
Target and shape your gluted with this butt exercise using weights for muscle and working up the reps to 500 per leg with weights up to 20 lb per ankle.
Can you say 'bowling ball butt?"
1 or more sets
Day 14 Slide Climbers
You can use paper towels under shoes on tile or wood surface.
Take the regular old Mountain Climbers to the next level and really get your thighs and glutes firing with all guns when you do this, adjusting speed for fat burning.
Do these for timed reps.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 15 Band Curl to Overhead (Palm In)
Curl and raise overhead keeping palms facing you.
Day 16 Overhand Horizontal Chin.
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced. These chin ups hit the forearms more.
Work up 1-4 sets of 8-100.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Day 17 DB Reach Crunch
Work for high reps using heavy DBs to reach for toes, work for straight legs and toes down.
Day 18 Ball Backstroke
Open the chest, work the shoulders and core.
Work for full range, very light weight.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent.
Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Day 19 Single Leg Hamball Curl
Hamstring curls taken to the next level and done at home on a ball but to challenge yourself use only 1 leg.
3-4 sets 20-100 using higher reps to cut and burn fat, great for leaning and conditioning.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Ball Backstroke April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 18
Ball Backstroke
Open the chest, work the shoulders and core. Work for full range, very light weight.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
You can do these for high reps or timed reps.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
DB Reach Crunch April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 17
DB Reach Crunch
Work for high reps using heavy DBs to reach for toes, work for straight legs and toes down.
Depending on neck tolerance you can reach hundreds of these with enough practice.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Overhand Horizontal Chins April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 16
Overhand Horizontal Chins
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced. These chin ups hit the forearms more.
work up 1-4 sets of 8-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Bicep Curl to Overhead April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 15
As you squat you curl and as you stand you raise overhead keeping palms facing you.
3-4 sets of 10-50 depending on weight/intensity of band.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Side Climbers April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 14
Slide Climbers
You can use paper towels under shoes on tile or wood surface.
Take the regular old Mountain Climbers to the next level and really get your thighs and glutes firing with all guns when you do this, adjusting speed for fat burning.
Do these for timed reps.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
This is part of a 30 day, 30 exercises series for Fitness, Figure and Bikini competitors or the ladies who do not compete but wish to work toward a similar body type.
Take the regular old Mountain Climbers to the next level and really get your thighs and glutes firing with all guns when you do this, adjusting speed for fat burning.
Do these for timed reps.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
This is part of a 30 day, 30 exercises series for Fitness, Figure and Bikini competitors or the ladies who do not compete but wish to work toward a similar body type.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Heel Prints April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 13
Target and shape your glutes with this butt exercise using weights for muscle and working up the reps to 500 per leg with weights up to 20 lb per ankle. Can you say 'bowling ball butt?"
1 or more sets
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Starting Contest Prep
So I am starting my diet soon, this week, the progressive lean down which will progress as needed.
I am doing this on a lacto ovo pescatarian diet meaning I will eat very limited fish, some eggs/egg whites, and probably high protein dairy. I may have to use my juicer for some produce options as my appetite can vary so I have become creative on how to get my nutrients in.
I just need to diet comfortably and not aggravate any issue, I cannot suffer through the next 3 months in agony or pain with ibs so I look forward to going back to some old dieting ways but improved! I have new options now than I did years ago and now that I know what pisses my system off I can diet without constant headaches and intestinal distress.
Routine practice started with some fluffly walkthrough by pacing out my timing but no full on moves and yet I got sweat! I am ready to start doing the routine full on with no music to teach my body what I expect then start to push it to music once I can speed up the moves. I also like to do blocks with music so if I lose time I resume where I can getting a block in as I can. Memory is all part of it too but my routine is familiar, the moves are ones I am strong with........just have to polish transitions and maybe fill in some small small gaps.
I am so excited with my theme cuz its familiar, everyone will know it and remember the girl who did..XXXX...shhh not telling yet. Also I love the music and feel, I love the moves as they look strong and confident, my body knows them and does them well so I won't be stressing over new moves to nail or worried about familiarity as it will come fast- I usually try to push myself more with some new move that I kill myself over but I just want to do this smoothly, make an impression and get a strong win.
Creativity is strong here, it is a memorable theme and my moves will be memorable, a few of them always get oohs and aaahs. I brought back a few from recently and a few from the old days.
Training will be kicked up now and here we go! I have all the pieces and now to put them all together. A blend of exercises, plyos, skills, drills, aerobic, anaerobic, balance, agility, speed, strength, flexibility!
My suit is under construction as is my routine costume with AMY at Suits By Amy posingwear.com. She is sponsoring me my bikini and I going to purchase my routine costume from her as well! She has the best stuff. NO details though, you have to wait and see!
So I am starting my diet soon, this week, the progressive lean down which will progress as needed.
I am doing this on a lacto ovo pescatarian diet meaning I will eat very limited fish, some eggs/egg whites, and probably high protein dairy. I may have to use my juicer for some produce options as my appetite can vary so I have become creative on how to get my nutrients in.
I just need to diet comfortably and not aggravate any issue, I cannot suffer through the next 3 months in agony or pain with ibs so I look forward to going back to some old dieting ways but improved! I have new options now than I did years ago and now that I know what pisses my system off I can diet without constant headaches and intestinal distress.
Routine practice started with some fluffly walkthrough by pacing out my timing but no full on moves and yet I got sweat! I am ready to start doing the routine full on with no music to teach my body what I expect then start to push it to music once I can speed up the moves. I also like to do blocks with music so if I lose time I resume where I can getting a block in as I can. Memory is all part of it too but my routine is familiar, the moves are ones I am strong with........just have to polish transitions and maybe fill in some small small gaps.
I am so excited with my theme cuz its familiar, everyone will know it and remember the girl who did..XXXX...shhh not telling yet. Also I love the music and feel, I love the moves as they look strong and confident, my body knows them and does them well so I won't be stressing over new moves to nail or worried about familiarity as it will come fast- I usually try to push myself more with some new move that I kill myself over but I just want to do this smoothly, make an impression and get a strong win.
Creativity is strong here, it is a memorable theme and my moves will be memorable, a few of them always get oohs and aaahs. I brought back a few from recently and a few from the old days.
Training will be kicked up now and here we go! I have all the pieces and now to put them all together. A blend of exercises, plyos, skills, drills, aerobic, anaerobic, balance, agility, speed, strength, flexibility!
My suit is under construction as is my routine costume with AMY at Suits By Amy posingwear.com. She is sponsoring me my bikini and I going to purchase my routine costume from her as well! She has the best stuff. NO details though, you have to wait and see!
Treadmill Pullups April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 12 & Review
Starting on April 1, I have been posting one new sculpting exercise per day. These are to help those who want to be figure or bikini competitors, or those who simply want to look like it.
If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the previous week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!
If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the previous week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!
We're starting with Day 6 and Day 12 is at the end! New exercise for the day is Treadmill Pullups!
Day 6 Spider Pushups
Change up and challenge your push-ups, add two elbow touches and see how much more intense a push-up can get just when you think you got them mastered!
Women competitors in fitness should do these for sure!
Beginner ladies can do these on their knees, no need to be excluded!
Day 7 Single Leg Butt Lift
Starting in a bridge you raise from there, do not drop under bridge much, its more about up! Squeeeeeze!!
Day 8 Cross Country
These can be done on a tile or wood floor with paper towels under runners.
Burn more fat by speeding up, using this in between weight training exercises for more fat burning.
Do these for timed reps.
Do these for timed reps.
Day 9 Ball Side Delt
Lean the ball, hug with knees, engage core, and lift.
Higher weight and less reps for size, lighter weight higher reps for cut.
Higher weight and less reps for size, lighter weight higher reps for cut.
Day 10 Seated Pullups
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced.
work up 1-4 sets of 8-45
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
This is just a cool ab exercises, challenging the whole abdominal wall!
Horizontal Wide Pull Ups (Treadmill Pull Ups)
Use these amidst your treadmill cardio and circuit in some agility and muscle work.
Take this wide, a great way to get to pullups progressively.
1 or more sets of or more, go for higher reps to get stronger but take it to an advanced level once you can get higher reps, like vertical pullups even if spotted.
1 or more sets of or more, go for higher reps to get stronger but take it to an advanced level once you can get higher reps, like vertical pullups even if spotted.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Dead Bug April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 11
This is just a cool ab exercise, it's challenging the whole abdominal wall! There are many modifications to this for those with lower back issues and using a body ball a few ways to enhance the work.
Try for a few sets of 10 per side and work up to more.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Seated Pull Ups April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 10
You can do this with TRX or under a smith bar, a few creative ways to set this one up.
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced.
work up 1-4 sets of 8-45
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Feet can be closer for beginner and out on heels for advanced.
work up 1-4 sets of 8-45
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ball Side Delt April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 9
Lean on the ball, hug with knees, engage core, and lift.
Higher weight and less reps for size, lighter weight higher reps for cut.
This one uses a sharp 90 degree elbow bend and forces you to engage core to hold you upright,
Friday, April 8, 2011
Cross Country April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 8
Cross Country
These can be done on a tile or wood floor with paper towels under runners.
Burn more fat by speeding up, using this in between weight training exercises for more fat burning. Do these for timed reps.
Beginners can start with one foot stable using only one sliding leg, with a sliding lunge back.
Advanced would use one under each foot doing a sliding split lunge with both legs moving equally, one back and the other forward then slide back and directly into opposing lunge, continue non stop.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Single Leg Butt Lift April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 7
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Spider Push Ups April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 6
Spider Pushup
Change up and challenge your pushups, add 2 elbow touches and see how much more intense a push up can get just when you think you got them mastered!
Women competitors in fitness should do these for sure!
If you can't get them on the floor even on knees you can modify with hands on a bench or higher elevated surface.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Ball Pull In April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 5 & Review
Starting on April 1, I have been posting one new sculpting exercise per day. These are to help those who want to be figure or bikini competitors, or those who just want to look like a competitor. If you can get up to the highest reps / weights that I suggest - you will probably be looking pretty darn good by then! If you missed the last week's worth of exercises, here they are all at once!
Day 5 is at the end! New exercise for the day is an AB exercise!
Day 1: Glutes
Butt Lifts
Starting in a bridge you raise from there, do not drop under bridge much, its more about up! Squeeeeeze!!
Ham glute tie benefits greatly here.
Do these for timed reps, high number of reps
Day 2: Legs
Pop Squats
Tired of burpees, mountain climbers and the usual boring plyometrics? Check out this fun fat burner!
3-4 sets 20-100 jack outward with feet then come in jumping off the ground each time you come in or out with feet, going sumo wide into a squat then jump feet back inward to a stand and repeat.
Day 3: Delts
Palm Up Delt Raise w/ Band
Unlike the traditional lateral or side delt raise, this one is done with the palms facing upward.
For size use heavier band for 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter band for 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
For size use heavier band for 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter band for 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Day 4: Arms
Horizontal Chins
Palms in toward you, legs out making it harder, in for easier and make sure to engage that core.
One or more sets of whatever you can get up to hundreds but once you are able to do hundreds try vertical!
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
One or more sets of whatever you can get up to hundreds but once you are able to do hundreds try vertical!
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Day 5: Abs
Single Leg Ball Pull In
This is a great core and overall exercise. Work on the balance, expect to slide off and keep practicing until you get great control of it!
2-3 sets of 10-20 are a great start.
2-3 sets of 10-20 are a great start.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Horizontal Chins April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 4
Horizontal Chins
Palms in toward you, lets out making it harder, in for easier and make sure to engage that core.
1 or more sets of whatever you can get up to hundreds but once you are able to do hundreds try vertical!
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Delts Palm Up April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 3
Delts! Palm Up Delt Raise w/ Band
Unlike the traditional lateral or side delt raise, this one is done with the palms facing upward.
For size use heavier band for 3-4 sets of 8-10
For cut use lighter band for 1-2 sets of 20-100
Try not to scrunch neck, keep chest up, soft elbows but not bent. Arms are forward of shoulder, they should be able to meet at bottom not hit legs.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Pop Squat April '30 Day Sculpt' Day 2
Pop Squats
Tired of burpees, mountain climbers and the usual boring plyometrics? Check out this fun fat burner!
3-4 sets 20-100 jack outward with feet into a sumo squat then come in.
Plop this exercise between weights to max out leaning and pump the body!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Butt Lifts April '30 Day Sculpt Series' Day 1
Starting in a bridge you raise from there, do not drop under bridge much, its more about up! Squeeeeeze!! Ham glute tie benefits greatly here.
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
This is part of a 30 day, 30 exercises Competitor Prep series April 2011 for Fitness, Figure and Bikini competitors or the ladies who do not compete but wish to work toward a similar body type.
Do these for timed reps, high reps.
This is part of a 30 day, 30 exercises Competitor Prep series April 2011 for Fitness, Figure and Bikini competitors or the ladies who do not compete but wish to work toward a similar body type.
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