What a week!.....its been last week of prep so eating and training and tanning and leaning.......tons to do but of course things I was trying to get done business wise and was ready to take care of for weeks now - NOW is when others are ready to deal with them which stretches me a bit thin this week with the additional media attention etc but hey that is business! It was actually so much stuff that is was almost like a mass joke or something.......anyway I am balancing, dealing and all things are going well and are positive so whatever......GO WITH FLOW.....
I have to send a big THANK YOU KISS to all my clients who have been so supportive, they are all like 'oh we can do that later, your competing, don't worry, no rush'. And all the supportive confidence they have in me is such a boost to my confidence and emotional state!
Fanny Kiefer and Studio 4I was honored to be asked to the Fanny show and was she ever nice, the set was so relaxed it was great. I felt right at home on camera sitting with her while being interviewed.
When all was done we continued to chat about her family and some background then we decided to arm wrestle.....she has some strength this lady!!!

I have a great fellow named
Fredrick Fowler who is a wizard hair stylist, he sponsored me for my hair for this show and for my comp Sat, my curls will happen. What a nice person to have working on my hair, he was a pleasure to chat with! He was beside himself meeting Fanny!
More MediaI had an interview for a feature in the Vancouver Courier which they aptly entitled '
Body Of Work' so photos had to be scheduled and juggled into the week last minute, its all last minute! Click the link to view my feature.

The last neat thing I wanted to mention was that yesterday as we went to take the dogs out, I was walking and I tend to scout for clovers.......well I look down and there was .....not a 4 leaf but a 5 LEAF........FIVE LEAF clover....and then another, and another........holy smokes, I found over 9 FIVE LEAF clovers and a 4 and I had left a ton more which were there in this wonderfully 'GOOD KARMA' cluster. I don't recall ever seeing 5 leaf clovers......................I take this all as a great omen!!!!!! Saturday, regardless if the judges see things my way, I feel so successful!

That is really cool about the clover!! Gotta be an omen!!
ReplyDeleteWish I was closer.......I could've been the one to sponsor your hair ;) After all you do for me, would consider it an honour!
You, my dear, have a fantastic attitude about life and this sport in general!! And that is truly what makes you a winner from the inside out!!
Best wishes on your big event, I will waiting in anticipation for results etc......
Lizzyb (aka Erin)