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Friday, January 7, 2011

Beginning Weight Loss

Beginner Weight Lifting - Training To Build Muscle & Gain Strength
If you are getting back into your exercise and training because of the holidays or you made a New Year's resolution to get in shape, here are some tips on beginner weight training. These are especially good for those who may have been out of the game for quite some time, or even those who may have taken a few weeks off and want to get back into their groove. Or maybe you've finally realized the importance of adding weight training to your exercise regimen.
I always suggest that beginners start off with basic 1-2 sets of 10 repetitions and begin with compound muscle group exercises preferably done on a machine. Free weights are excellent but a beginner needs time to condition the body toward this and machines help with teaching the stabilizer muscles what they need to do and strengthen them to work with free weights.

The main muscle groups to target here are legs, shoulders, back, chest and core. I did not forget arms but being they are isolated they would come into play later on. Form is especially crucial here because this is where your body is learning most so be strict.

I would begin with legs by doing the Leg Press machine and you can find all these exercises detailed on the exercise tips page of my website. Make sure to start with light weight and even though you feel it is light, be patient as you will increase theweight later but for now progress slowly and be safe in training because an injury will put you out for a while and you do not want that. Keep knees so that mid knee lines up with outer top of foot, bend to at least 90 degrees and do not speed through. Your rep count is 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4 on the return phase. This control is what makes a better exerciser who does not get hurt!
Next you can do your shoulder exercise. The Machine Deltoid Military Presses work the whole shoulder although it indicates mid deltoid in the diagram.
Your third exercise is Machine Rows. These are hitting the mid back in general but the rest of back does come into play and this is a safer choice for beginners. I would work with a close grip.

Fourth exercise is Machine Bench Press. This is a great introduction for later benching with bar or dumbbells. This is an exercise people usually skip ahead from and end up hurt.

Last is your core representing lower back and abs. This area is crucial to the benefit of all the other exercises and for general ease of life for recreation or work. Medicine Ball Crunches on Exercise Ball is a great way to target this area and end your workout!

For more questions about weight training and nutrition contact Linda 

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